Unlimited Squirrels in I Lost My Tooth book by Mo Willems Lunch

Monday, October 15, 2018

This is a sponsored post in partnership with Disney Book Group. All opinions are my own.
Mo Willems

We've all been there. Our young child loses their tooth and it's the most important thing in the world...well for that day anyway. The only problem is that, as the parent, I of course forget to have the Tooth Fairy visit during the night. Well, maybe this new book by Mo Willems can help ease the pain. Unlimited Squirrels in I Lost My Tooth! is a fun and fast paced book about a squirrel who loses his tooth and his friends who try to find it.

It reads pretty quickly and one of our favorite parts are the sections with "A-Corny Jokes!" We loved it so much that I had to make a lunch recipe (and include the acorns). In the book there are also facts about teeth, and of course the story itself. My boys seriously want to read this book every night before bed. I can't wait for the next books in the new series to be written. You can find the first book,- Unlimited Squirrels in I Lost My Tooth! on Amazon HERE, and my lunch recipe down below!

Mo Willems

Ingredients: Two varieties of whole wheat bread slices, cheddar cheese, white cheese, raisins, sliced turkey, trail mix, apple slices, nut-free spread, mini marshmallows.
Mo Willems
1. Cut out cheese leaves using a vegetable or cookie cutter. You could also cut them out freehand if you would like.

2. Insert turkey (or favorite sandwich filling) between two slices of bread. Arrange cheese leaves on top.

3. Use a cookie cutter to cut a squirrel shape from a slice of whole wheat bread. You can cut out a circle, for a head, to better match the Unlimited Squirrels characters. Use raisins for the eyes and glue down using honey or cream cheese. Place on top of cheese leaves as shown.

4. Cut acorn shapes out of scraps of bread. Drop trail mix into side compartment. Top with acorn shaped bread.

5. Spread nut-free spread onto apple slices. Arrange marshmallows like teeth on top of one apple slice. Make sure to leave space for the missing tooth. Top with second apple slice to form a mouth. Put raisins into second side compartment and place mouth with teeth on top.

6. Make it extra fun by including the Unlimited Squirrels: I Lost My Tooth! book with the lunch so your kids can read it while they eat their meal!

Don't forget to pick up your copy of I Lost My Tooth! on Amazon because I'm pretty sure that your entire family will enjoy this book by Mo Willems just as much as mine has! Just be prepared for a lot of laughs before bedtime!

Mo Willems


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