When I first started making fun lunches for my kids, I never imagined this would be one of the lunches I would be making. I want to be clear that I am anti emoji. I know, I know, it's like being a member of the fun police, right? I use them only when I have to, or I'm feeling lazy. It takes a little piece of my soul every time it happens however.
This is why this lunch was so hard for me to make, and why I have been so disappointed with my kids choices to suddenly become infatuated with this cultural obsession. Regardless, these lunches are not about me, they are about my kids so that means an emoji lunch had to be made. The only redeeming factor is that I had the chance to include poop in a lunch for the first time. I made this wretched lunch in an Easy Lunch Boxes container, and I hope my kids enjoy it because this is the last time I am making emojis for them. Probably.