Learn to Make The Nightmare Before Christmas Lunch

Monday, October 26, 2015

Halloween food

One of my family's favorite Halloween/Christmas traditions is to watch Disney's The Nightmare Before Christmas together. It's a classic and my kids are always begging to watch it around this time of year. I have made a few of these lunches before but for some reason I missed it last year. I couldn't make the same mistake this year. I know my kids will come home excited about this one. It was actually pretty easy to make. 
Halloween Food
I created it in a Planetbox lunch box. I used a few more treats than normal, but it's this is a special lunch and the last one before Halloween. I also threw in a couple ghost chips and
jack-o-lantern shortbread cookies from Stauffer's. We are addicted to these right now. I topped it off with a Halloween themed Lunchbox Love note. See below for how to make this lunch but make sure to follow me on all my social media channels so you don't miss out! 

Halloween Food
Provolone cheese slice
Dark wheat bread slice
Meat for sandwich
Stauffer's shortbread cookies
Pumpkin seeds
Ghost chips
Mandarin orange
Black modeling dough

1. Cut facial features out of provolone cheese to make Jack Skellington's face. Cut bread slice into a circle. Place sandwich meat in main compartment, bread on top, then cheese on top of that. 

2. Arrange blackberries and orange pinchuberries in side compartment. I saw these pichuberries in my local store and we had to try them. They kind of taste like grape tomatoes. I topped the berries with a couple Stauffer's jack-o-lantern Halloween cookies.

3. In the top side dish spread a layer of pumpkin seeds and top with a few ghost chips.

4. In the final side dish place a mandarin orange. To form the swirly hill use black modeling dough. It was the only thing I could think of that was black and that could form that hill. Finish with a Halloween themed Lunchbox Love lunch note. It also has a joke on the back, which my kids really enjoy.

Halloween Food


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