I Love Paris Bento Lunch

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

I love Paris French bento lunch

My daughter is addicted to all things French. Seriously, her dream is to visit Paris. She reads books about it, she loves French words, and any food having to do with France is amazing. I blame her aunts. They both studied abroad in France and have talked about it with her forever. I think if my daughter could live over there for awhile, she would. 

So it was only a matter of time before I made her this "I love Paris" lunch. I tried to incorporate a bit of France in to all parts of it. The blueberries, apples, and strawberries make up the color of the French flag, I used a french baguette, cheese, and of course the Eiffel Tower. The bread, meat, and cheese can be assembled together to make a sandwich. For the the tower and letters I used Mott's Fruity Rolls. They are made with natural fruit, natural colors, and natural flavors. Plus I might have eaten the leftover cuttings from the roll and it tasted great. I made the whole lunch in an Easy Lunch Boxes container.  

I did get some inspiration from some of my friends so check out their French lunches after you read my post. You can see them at: Bentoriffic, Wendolonia (Guest Post on Little Passports), Bento Monsters, Eclectic Lamb, and Becoming a Bentoholic

I love Paris French bento lunch
French Baguette
Assorted Cheese
Meat for a sandwich
Apple chunks
Sliced strawberries
Lemon wedge
Tortilla or sliced cheese
Mott's Fruity Roll
1. Cut baguette to fit into your container. Also slice it lengthwise so that it is easier for your child to put the meat and cheese inside. Place baguette in main container.

2. Surround baguette with blueberries, apple chunks, and strawberries. Make sure you arrange them in that order so it resembles the French flag. You can also rub the apple chunks with a lemon wedge so they don't turn brown.

3. Cut up assorted cheese and meat. Place cheese in on side dish and meat in another. Put a circle of cheese or tortilla over the meat. This will keep the fruit roll from getting on the meat, which could be nasty.

4. Cut a simple Eiffel Tower shape out of the Mott's Fruity Roll. Do the same for the letters and shapes for "I Love Paris." Place those where shown in the pictures. 

I love Paris French bento lunch

Disclosure: I received some of the products for free from Mott's. I have received no other compensation for this post and the opinions I’m expressing here are solely my own.


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